Dev Updates
November 25th, 2024

GamesCon Belgrade 2024

This weekend, we presented Crowned in Steel at the GamesCon festival in Belgrade. This was actually our second time there, as we also had been there last year when we presented the first playable build of the game in the Indie Corner part of the festival, among other developers who were also showcasing their own unique games.

Sverun team photo

Like last time, the feedback was great. The whole Indie Corner was crowded almost all the time. We had a setup of two PCs that people would use to play the game.

This year, the demo consisted of the whole first level of the game, which has around 30-60 minutes play time as of now. And some players hung around for the whole thing!

The absolute most satisfying part was seeing them realize how the combat works on their own, even with a basic, rushed tutorial that we have now. The dismemberment system was also super memorable.

From the whole experience, we got a good sense on what we should improve, what works and what doesn't. Both for the current game mechanics and level design. It's one thing to test the game on your own, and completely different when you see other people playing it live.

Overall, we felt we were on a pretty good track, based on the immediate reactions of everyone who tried it out.

Immediate next steps will be to get the new trailer ready, as the old one is really outdated by now! After that, polishing up and getting the free demo on Steam for people to play with and provide some more feedback.

Sverun team photo

Thanks again to everyone who tried out the demo on GamesCon! It was a fun three days!

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